[ESG] 아모레퍼시픽이 플라스틱을 줄이는 4가지 방법 [아모레퍼시픽]
[ESG] 아모레퍼시픽이 플라스틱을 줄이는 4가지 방법 [아모레퍼시픽]
Blog Article
[ESG] The Unsung Heroes of Plastic Reduction [AMOREPACIFIC]
What is sustainable beauty? Today, individual consumption is no longer separate from one's values. Instead, it's a conversation and a journey with brands that align with our attitudes and directions in life. We have met with brands taking bold steps towards reducing plastic and dreaming of sustainable beauty that will continue into tomorrow. We've heard the stories about their values and 플라스틱 the changes they aim for.
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#ESG #Plastic #LessPlastic_WeAreFantastic #sustainable #beauty #newbeauty #amorepacific